Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day Four

There's been a big ol' elephant in the room with me since I started this and I just have to address it and let it out!!! 

I want this business to be a success so that I can actually hire someone to finish this house for me.  I've done my share of the dirty work and I'm finally ready to pay someone to finish it!

I want a beautiful six foot fence to block out my neighbors who have this entitlement attitude that just because they are multigenerational Hillsboroians (you can figure it out...), and their dad is the "Mayor", they just can't decide that my property is theirs to use as they wish and that I am not a bitch because I want to claim what's mine and they should ask permission if they want to use it! (Yes, I think that was a run on sentence, but it felt good to write it out that way! )

I want money to buy furniture!  I don't want anymore hand me downs (or overs).  I want a nice flat screen TV :) I want the best multi-fuel stove (Enviro M-55 Cast) ever, to warm this house in the winter. And I want to be able to hire someone to install it, so I won't have to figure out how to do it myself and try and maneuver the thing around alone!

I want to get a water treatment system so my clothes stop looking so dingy because of all the iron in the water... hey, let's add to that... I want enough money that when my clothes are looking dingy, or just because (!) I can go out and buy what I want! I want to get some Louboutin shoes... ok, no, that's not true, I don't know that I'd ever want to pay $1,000 for a pair of heels...

Wow, that felt good.  I rarely express the things I want - to myself- let alone out loud. 

If you've never done it before - I highly recommend it!

Have a great day :)

Clean Nation

Friday, August 17, 2012

Day Three

Today I am going to continue to wrap my head around the "Go for No" concept.  GO For NO!

I learned about this philosophy last Saturday at an Ignite Academy training.  The idea being that in sales and marketing you have to talk to a lot of people and get a lot of "No's" to get to your "Yes's".  Why is "no" so paralyzing???  I know for me, I take it as a personal rejection.  That I have done a poor job representing whatever it is I am talking about and it is a direct reflection of my short-comings. Supposedly, this program (Go for No!) is going to change my feelings about all that - bring some clarity to me - and help me move forward!  (I'll keep you posted - I tend to be VERY stubborn...)  :)

I'm also going to focus on the momentum of duplication - that, again, is a hard concept to wrap my head around - even though it's easy to see how it works.  How many of you have heard this - If I gave you a million dollars today or a penny doubled every day for 30 days which would you take?  Seems crazy that a penny doubled could make much of a difference, but look at this:

I mean, really, what a challenge to keep motivated when half way through - at day 15  - we're at less than $164!!!  How hard not to quit and say this just isn't worth it, I should have taken the $1,000,000 two weeks ago!

Lastly, today I will watch this video at least once.  I love the commentator as he explains about human nature here.  It's not filmed well - and if you go to youtube there are more clips from different angles, but this one is great for the message.

Yesterday I didn't get anyone new to join my team, but I did get a few "Sounds good - I'll look into it."  This job is simple, not easy...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day two

Well, I got through my first day - yay!  And two people joined my team.  I know that this is the hardest part for me - because in this part of the business I have to do it for myself - I have to have a core group of people before it can actually be a business that pays me.  But, from what I understand, after this it's all about helping others grow their team, realize their dreams and goals -  and THAT I'm good at.  I LOVE helping others!
I also need to accept that this is not like another other "job" I've ever had.  You don't trade time for dollars - it's such a hard concept to wrap my head around! And I want to pace myself, not burn out.  I guess like everything new there is a lot of trial and error.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day One...

Well, it begins. And I am very nervous about sharing this all on a blog.  What if I fail? - anyone reading this will see it all, what will they think?  How will I feel?  I know I am not a failure, but, I swear, I haven't succeeded at much so far in this lifetime.

So, why am I doing this business?  Well, I believe in network marketing for one.  Without question what you put into it is what you get out of it.  And I really believe in this product and compensation plan.  So that satisfies my mind, but what REALLY makes me squirm is my need to do this for my children and my dogs.  Natalie has gone above and beyond as a first born.  She co-signed on Michael's student loans so that he could go to college (I didn't have the means to do it alone and we won't talk about their dad) AND she bought my house with me, putting the money up for the down payment and closing costs.  Well, now, as a newly-wed she wants to focus on her future without all this debt burdening her.  SHE should not suffer for her generosity and my short-comings.  Every cell in my body wants to show her that her kindness was not taken for granted and that she will be richly rewarded for it.  Michael, as he embarks on life as an independent young man, now has thousands of dollars owed in student loans - pretty daunting and dismal, thinking about how long it will take to pay that off.  For him I need to show that I am not a failure and that I will not rest until I have worked to pay off these loans, with him, for him, for Natalie; and give both my children the freedom to move confidently into their futures.  And for Sylvie and Theo, my sweet dogs that love me unconditionally, nothing stresses me more than the thought that I won't have the money for their veterinary care when they need it.  I can't bare the thought that I would have to make decisions based on my financial circumstances and not my heart.

Those are my "why's".  The big question that looms in my mind is whether or not I have it in me to fight through the challenging times of growing a business.  I am sharing this journey in a blog so that I can't hide or worse, quit.

First goal - get ten REC subscriptions purchased with five of those individuals interested in growing their own Clean Nation movement by August 31, 2012.